首页> 外文会议>System Dynamics Society International Conference; 20060723-27; Nijmegen(NL) >Adapting Group Model Building Methods to Improve Information Security Data

Adapting Group Model Building Methods to Improve Information Security Data


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Cyber security data restrictions, e.g. due to fear of bad publicity, hinder systematic investigation of information security issues. We argue that group model building is a promising method to help mitigate such restrictions: 1) Models emerge from even incomplete and inaccurate data; 2) group model building helps develop a trustful relationship between data owners and modelers; 3) the iterative nature of group model building leads to gradually structurally richer and more useful models, thus boosting further client interest and trust. We describe our experiences using a case for the transition to eOperations in the oil and gas industry. We analyze the outcome of two group model building workshops, the follow-up meetings and interview. We show the trajectory for how we gain access to data, how we developed and improve a model, what insights the client learned, and more important, how we built up trust with the client during this process.
机译:网络安全数据限制,例如由于担心不好的宣传,阻碍了对信息安全问题的系统调查。我们认为,建立组模型是一种有希望的方法来减轻这种限制:1)模型是从甚至不完整和不准确的数据中产生的; 2)建立小组模型有助于建立数据所有者和建模者之间的信任关系; 3)组模型构建的迭代性质导致结构上逐渐丰富且更有用的模型,从而进一步提高了客户的兴趣和信任度。我们通过案例说明在石油和天然气行业向电子运营过渡的经验。我们分析了两个小组模型构建研讨会,后续会议和访谈的结果。我们将说明如何获取数据,如何开发和改进模型,客户学到了哪些见解以及更重要的是如何在此过程中建立与客户的信任的轨迹。



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