首页> 外文会议>Symposium on homeland security and public safety: research, appolications, and standards >Building Resilience: Preventing, Preparing For, and Responding to Intentional, Unintentional, and Natural Events

Building Resilience: Preventing, Preparing For, and Responding to Intentional, Unintentional, and Natural Events




Securing assets and preparing for undesirable and disruptive events in organizations and their supply chains is a critical part of building resilient, sustainable organizations. Organizations need to seamlessly integrate risk, security, crisis, and continuity management into their overall business management strategies. International and national standards can help, but is the proliferation of standards helping or confusing a coherent approach to managing the risks of disruptive events? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 31000 standard for risk management provides a framework for building a system of management to address intentional, unintentional, and natural events. This helps the organization to become better prepared to address whatever uncertainty it may face. Key to success is building a comprehensive approach to managing risk that cuts across discipline and organizational silos. By integrating an ISO 31000-based approach for risk management into a formal management system, an organization can custom-build a system of management in conformance with a range of ISO management system standards. The integrated approach allows the organization to leverage its resources and expertise to build a more resilient organization capable of better handling undesirable events. The approach focuses on achieving an organization's objectives by integrating risk, security, crisis, and continuity management into day-to-day operations using an objectives-based approach. It drives a cultural change in the organization emphasizing that everyone has a role to play in managing risk. Inclusion and training in the risk management processes empowers people working for the organization to proactively identify and manage risks. ISO 31000 supports a paradigm shift in perspective. No longer does risk management focus on bad events, rather the question to be answered is: How do I use risk management to open doors of opportunity and minimize uncertainty in achieving objectives?
机译:确保资产安全并为组织及其供应链中的不良事件和破坏性事件做好准备是建立具有韧性,可持续发展的组织的关键部分。组织需要将风险,安全性,危机和连续性管理无缝集成到其整体业务管理策略中。国际和国家标准可以提供帮助,但是标准的泛滥是否有助于或混淆采用统一方法来管理破坏性事件的风险?国际标准化组织(ISO)31000风险管理标准提供了一个框架,用于构建管理系统来处理有意,无意和自然事件。这有助于组织为应对可能遇到的不确定性做好更好的准备。成功的关键是建立一种综合的风险管理方法,这种方法可以跨越学科和组织孤岛。通过将基于ISO 31000的风险管理方法集成到正式的管理系统中,组织可以根据一系列ISO管理系统标准自定义构建管理系统。集成的方法使组织可以利用其资源和专业知识来构建更具弹性的组织,从而能够更好地处理不良事件。该方法侧重于通过使用基于目标的方法将风险,安全性,危机和连续性管理集成到日常运营中来实现组织的目标。它推动了组织的文化变革,强调每个人在管理风险中都应发挥作用。风险管理流程中的参与和培训使组织工作人员能够主动识别和管理风险。 ISO 31000支持透视图的范式转换。风险管理不再专注于不良事件,而是要回答的问题是:如何利用风险管理打开机遇之门,并最大限度地减少实现目标的不确定性?



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