首页> 外文会议>Summit of Japanese Traditional Whaling Communities; 20030511; Ikitsuki(JP) >Premodern to Modern Whaling in the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago: the Cultural Sphere of East Asian Whaling

Premodern to Modern Whaling in the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago: the Cultural Sphere of East Asian Whaling


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During the colonization, Koreans were assigned the role of taking on menial labor, both at the land stations and aboard whaling ships. Major positions in whaling and administration, such as gunners and chiefs of land stations, were exclusively Japanese to the very last. When Korean whaling companies began operations, all the knowledge they seem to have had had been limited amount of whaling technique, which they had picked up by observing the Japanese while working in close proximity (Park 1995). Koreans working to become gunners had to teach themselves whaling techniques, although they did learn from those who had been in the business before them. Korean whaling later developed their distinctive technical system, although it was based on Japanese expertise. However, it is a mistake to view colonial whaling in a favorable light, simply because the contemporary Korean whaling started with the few remaining elements of the Japanese whaling. Land stations symbolized "the Japanese Fishing in Korea" and changed the coastal scenery of the Korean Peninsula, and were indeed the target of anger. In fact, Koreans attacked and set fire to most of them when the country was liberated. Mr. Kim Ok-Chan, who was central in the establishment of the Korean Whaling Co., regards Korean whaling not as something succeeded from the days of colonization but as an independent struggle of their own. It is true that it was the Koreans that essentially carried on the core whaling operations during the Second World War, and we need to look into how far the whaling technique permeated or was accepted. Here, I would merely like to mention the whaling jargon as a hint to delve into the matter.
机译:在殖民期间,韩国人被分配到陆地站和捕鲸船上从事体力劳动。捕鲸和管理方面的主要职位,例如枪手和陆地站长,直到最后才完全是日本人。当韩国捕鲸公司开始运营时,他们似乎所掌握的所有知识都是有限的捕鲸技术,他们是通过在近距离工作时观察日本人而了解到的(Park 1995)。努力成为枪手的韩国人必须自学捕鲸技术,尽管他们确实向过此行业的人学习。后来,韩国捕鲸公司建立了自己独特的技术体系,尽管它是基于日本的专门技术。但是,从有利的角度看待殖民地捕鲸是一个错误,这仅仅是因为现代韩国捕鲸始于日本捕鲸的剩余要素。陆地站象征着“日本在朝鲜钓鱼”,改变了朝鲜半岛的沿海风光,确实是愤怒的目标。实际上,解放后,朝鲜人攻击并放火烧毁了其中大多数人。建立韩国捕鲸公司的中心人物金玉灿先生认为,韩国捕鲸不是殖民时代以来的成功,而是他们自己的独立斗争。的确,在第二次世界大战期间,基本上是朝鲜人进行了核心捕鲸活动,我们需要研究捕鲸技术的普及程度或接受程度。在这里,我只想提及捕鲸术语,作为深入研究此事的提示。



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