
Effect of Adjuvant on the Efficacy of Glyphosate Applied at Different Times of Day


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Glyphosate was applied alone and with either ammonium sulfate (AMS) or RUSA 703 (a premix of hydroxypropyl guar and AMS). Herbicide treatments were applied at 3-h intervals starting at 6:00 am and ending at 9:00 pm. The efficacy of glyphosate was dependent on the application time of day for all weed species tested, except for common waterhemp in the greenhouse. In general, applications at 6:00 am and 9:00 pm resulted in the least control of all weed species. The efficacy of glyphosate was often improved with the addition of AMS when glyphosate was applied at a suboptimal time of day. RUSA 703 did not result in any benefit in glyphosate efficacy beyond AMS. The addition of RUSA 703 to glyphosate improved the efficacy of glyphosate as often as AMS in greenhouse studies, but not in field studies.
机译:草甘膦可以单独使用,也可以与硫酸铵(AMS)或RUSA 703(羟丙基瓜尔胶和AMS的预混合物)一起使用。从上午6:00开始至下午9:00结束,每隔3小时应用除草剂处理一次。草甘膦的功效取决于所有杂草种类在一天中的施用时间,除了温室中常见的水麻。通常,在上午6:00和晚上9:00施用对所有杂草种类的控制最少。当在次最佳时间施用草甘膦时,通常通过添加AMS来提高草甘膦的功效。除AMS以外,RUSA 703对草甘膦功效没有任何好处。在温室研究中,向草甘膦中添加RUSA 703可以像AMS一样提高草甘膦的效力,但在田间研究中却没有。



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