首页> 外文会议>Smart Materials III >Characteristics of multilayer bender actuators using two piezoelectric ceramics

Characteristics of multilayer bender actuators using two piezoelectric ceramics


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The goal of this research is to design and evaluate a mutlilayer bender actuator, on a concept that each ceramic layer has different value of piezoelectric d_(31) coefficient. By stacking the ceramic layers with the different piezoelectric d_(31) coefficient, the internal stress within the actuator body became maximized. Three type actuators (called as sample 1, 2 and 3) were presented in a specification of stacking ceramic layers with low and high piezoelectric properties. Sample 1 was actuator with high piezoelectricity (d_(31) = -210 pC/N), Sample 2 with low and high piezoelectricities (d_(31) = -100 and -210 pC/N)), and Sample 3 with low piezoelectricity (d_(31) = -100 pC/N). Sample 2 exhibited higher displacement than the other samples under application of a voltage over 50 V, due to higher internal stress between the top and bottom layers. In addition, high generative force can be expected at the multilayer structure actuator, sample 2, with the two piezoelectric components over actuator with one component.
机译:这项研究的目的是在每个陶瓷层具有不同的压电d_(31)系数值的概念上,设计和评估多层弯管执行器。通过堆叠具有不同压电系数d_(31)的陶瓷层,致动器体内的内部应力变得最大。在堆叠具有低压电性能和高压电性能的陶瓷层的规范中,提出了三种类型的致动器(称为样品1、2和3)。样品1是具有高压电性的执行器(d_(31)= -210 pC / N),样品2是具有低和高压电性的执行器(d_(31)= -100和-210 pC / N),样品3是具有低压电性的致动器(d_(31)= -100 pC / N)。在施加超过50 V的电压时,样品2表现出比其他样品更高的位移,这是由于顶层和底层之间的内部应力较高。另外,在多层结构致动器样品2上可以预期到高的生成力,其中两个压电组件超过一个组件的致动器。



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