首页> 外文会议>Sensors for Propulsion Measurement Applications >Application of intelligent sensors in the integrated systems health monitoring of a rocket test stand

Application of intelligent sensors in the integrated systems health monitoring of a rocket test stand


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This paper describes the application of intelligent sensors in the Integrated Systems Health Monitoring (ISHM) as applied to a rocket test stand. The development of intelligent sensors is attempted as an integrated system approach, i.e. one treats the sensors as a complete system with its own physical transducer, A/D converters, processing and storage capabilities, software drivers, self-assessment algorithms, communication protocols and evolutionary methodologies that allow them to get better with time. Under a project being undertaken at the NASA Stennis Space Center, an integrated framework is being developed for the intelligent monitoring of smart elements associated with the rocket tests stands. These smart elements can be sensors, actuators or other devices. Though the immediate application is the monitoring of the rocket test stands, the technology should be generally applicable to the ISHM vision. This paper outlines progress made in the development of intelligent sensors by describing the work done till date on Physical Intelligent sensors (PIS) and Virtual Intelligent Sensors (VIS).
机译:本文介绍了智能传感器在火箭系统测试系统中的应用。尝试将智能传感器开发为一种集成的系统方法,即,将传感器视为具有自己的物理传感器,A / D转换器,处理和存储功能,软件驱动程序,自我评估算法,通信协议和演进版的完整系统使他们随着时间变得更好的方法。在NASA斯坦尼斯太空中心正在进行的一个项目下,正在开发一个集成框架,用于智能监控与火箭试验台相关的智能元素。这些智能元素可以是传感器,执行器或其他设备。尽管直接的应用是监视火箭试验台,但该技术通常应适用于ISHM视觉系统。本文通过描述迄今为止在物理智能传感器(PIS)和虚拟智能传感器(VIS)上所做的工作,概述了智能传感器的开发进展。



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