
Physically Disabled at Work: Need for Ergonomic Measures


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The aim of this study was to describe the need for ergonomic measures among persons with physical disabilities. The subjects were 40 employees, who used some mobility aid due to a congenital disability, disease or an accident. They worked in different occupations mainly in small or medium-sized enterprises in southern and middle parts of Finland. The data were acquired with a Ergodis-interview performed at worksites. The interviewer considered the employee's opinions about the problems related to the work and the means to solve them. Several adaptive measures were recommended on the basis of the interview: adaptive measures of the cars, accessible parking facilities, electrical locks of doors and remote control units, changes of workplace layout, shelves on the suitable height, ergonomic chairs and tables, devices for materials handling, changes of VDU workstations, accessible toilet facilities, adjustable lighting and temperature, and reorganization of work tasks and work time. This study showed that only a few adaptive measures at work had been carried out to improve the work ability of employees with permanent physical disabilities.



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