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Community noise agreements, monitoring, and control for concerts on Boston’s Rose Kennedy Greenway

机译:波士顿Rose Kennedy Greenway演唱会的社区噪音协议,监视和控制



The Rose Kennedy Greenway is a mile-long series of public parks, gardens, and plazaslocated in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. The Greenway, which sits on land that wasformerly an elevated highway and reclaimed as part of the “Big Dig”, regularly hosts avariety of festivals, performances, and artwork for the enjoyment of the public. However,the parks are located in densely populated neighborhoods and there have been complaintsabout noise from some events. In preparation for a musical concert on Earth Day 2010, theGreenway hired Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) to provide acoustical support services. PBcompleted an ambient noise survey of the concert area, made recommendations to limitcommunity noise from the event, and monitored noise levels for compliance during theconcert. PB also coordinated with the Boston Environmental Department to allow for atemporary exceedance of Boston’s noise code limits during the concert. PB later completeda full ambient noise survey of the parks and developed a computer model to aid theGreenway in evaluating noise issues for future events. In addition to describing theseactivities, the unique challenges of long-term noise monitoring in urban areas will be
机译:玫瑰肯尼迪绿道(Rose Kennedy Greenway)是位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市区的一英里长的公园,花园和广场系列。格林威(Greenway)位于以前是高架公路的土地上,被称为“大挖掘”的一部分,定期举办各种节日,表演和艺术品供公众欣赏。但是,公园位于人口稠密的社区中,并且有人抱怨某些事件会产生噪音。为准备在2010年世界地球日举行音乐会,theGreenway雇用了Parsons Brinckerhoff(PB)提供声学支持服务。 PB完成了对音乐会区域的环境噪声调查,提出了限制活动中社区噪声的建议,并在音乐会期间监测了噪声水平,以确保合规。 PB还与波士顿环境部门进行了协调,以允许在音乐会期间暂时超出波士顿的噪音代码限制。 PB随后完成了公园的全面环境噪声调查,并开发了计算机模型,以帮助Greenway评估未来事件的噪声问题。除了描述这些活动之外,城市地区长期噪声监测的独特挑战将是



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