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The aim of the RECONS project is to minimise the environmental impact of the construction sector activity and to define sustainable waste management strategies. The innovative nature of the project RECONS lies in the cooperative approach to an Environmental Management System according to the 761/2001/CE Regulation that states that organisations can voluntarily adhere to a Community Environmental Audit Management System (EMAS). The project considers the promotion of the EMAS in small and medium-sized firms and micro- firms of the construction industry. The project RECONS, in the construction framework, seeks to make the application of a Cooperative Environmental Management System viable through the Builder Professional Union of Catalonia (Guild) and to extend it not only to the activity of the Union but to the smallest firm related to it. Defining this objective means taking into account the following aims: 1. Facilitating the implementation of environmental policies in small, medium-sized and micro firms 2. Sensitising and involving employers and employees in an efficient and effective way by means of the organisational structure and the existing channels between the small and medium-sized firms and the micro-firms as well as the Guild that associates them 3. Attaining that the environmental intervention at the defined geographical territory connects all the present actors and optimises the work relations among them. 4. Fulfil the environmental legislation related to the construction sector at the local, autonomic, national and european levels. The specific objectives are: 1. To present the Project to the members of the Builders' Guild as well as the various agents involved in the construction sector and relevant administrations. 2. To explain to the members of the Guild of Constructors and those responsible who are directly involved the approach to be taken to the project and its planning.
机译:RECONS项目的目的是最大程度地减少建筑行业活动对环境的影响,并确定可持续的废物管理策略。 RECONS项目的创新性质在于根据761/2001 / CE法规对环境管理系统的合作方式,该法规规定组织可以自愿遵守社区环境审核管理系统(EMAS)。该项目考虑在建筑行业的中小型企业和微型企业中推广EMAS。 RECONS项目在建设框架中,力求通过加泰罗尼亚建筑商专业联盟(Guild)使合作环境管理系统的应用成为可行,并将其不仅扩展到联盟的活动,而且扩展到与之相关的最小的公司。它。定义该目标意味着要考虑以下目标:1.促进在中小型和微型公司中执行环境政策。2.通过组织结构和方法有效地使雇主和雇员参与并使其敏感化。中小型公司与微型公司之间以及与它们相关联的协会之间的现有渠道。3.在定义的地理区域内进行环境干预,将所有现有行为者联系起来,并优化他们之间的工作关系。 4.在地方,自治,国家和欧洲各级执行与建筑部门有关的环境法规。具体目标是:1.将项目介绍给建设者协会的成员以及建筑部门和相关主管部门的各个代理商。 2.向建设者协会的成员以及直接参与其中的负责人解释该项目及其计划所采用的方法。



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