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Application of PVDF Piezoelectric-film Sensor to Plantar Pressure Measurement


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PVDF piezoelectric-film is a new-type of high polymer material, and a variety of sensors had been developed to meet the different measurement requirements utlizied by its piezoelectric. Piezoelectric had already been one of the focuses of the modern research, and a lot of successful examples had been made in the application of PVDF piezoelectric-film. In this paper, PVDF piezoelectric-film was applied to the plantar pressure measurement. Take the 16-point PVDF piezoelectric-film sensor array as an example. The working principle of the PVDF piezoelectric-film and the producing process of its array were introduced in detail. The sensor array was made of 28μm thick PVDF piezoelectric-film, and its electrode was made through cutting and acetone eroding to ensure a non-metallization edge for the sensor. In addition, the design of its signal conditioning circuit was also discussed. Especially, charge amplifier equipment was presented in detail. Since PVDF piezoelectric-film has the advantage of well dynamic characteristics, it can improve the dynamic response of the measurement system. This advantage makes this system superior than those traditional transducer measurement systems. Also, the data is more accurate than ever. The experiment results have proved that PVDF piezoelectric-film can achieve dynamic and real time foot-pressure measurements.



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