首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the eleventh Americas conference on information systems (AMCIS 2005) >A Phenomenological Evaluation Frameworkfor Cultural Heritage Interpretation:From e-HS to Heidegger’s Historicity

A Phenomenological Evaluation Frameworkfor Cultural Heritage Interpretation:From e-HS to Heidegger’s Historicity


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This paper is concerned with the potential of the most recent ICT developments for improving the interpretive mission of thernarchaeological and historical disciplines. This mission is to communicate the cultural heritage to the general public in culturalrninstitutions like museums or archaeological sites (like for instance Ancient Olympia). We call the support of cultural heritagerncommunication with ICT “e-heritage systems.” In this paper we shall primarily focus on formulating evaluation criteria for eheritagernsystems to fully exploit the communicative potential of ICT (as apposed to providing routine economic tracking andrninformation retrieval functions). The purpose of this paper is to derive evaluation criteria for future e-heritage systems fromrnHeidegger’s phenomenological view of history in Being and Time and apply them to an example, I.e. the ARCHEOGUIDErnSystem in Ancient Olympia.



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