
Development of Renewable Energy Biogas in China


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China is an agricultural country; the agricultural population is more than eighty percent of the total population.The consumption of equivalent of coal of the countryside reached 8.7 hundred million tons in 2005,in which most was traditional energy,commercial energy such as coal,product oil and electrical energy was consumed only 23.2% of the total consumption.Hence,the energy demand increase in the countryside will be much higher than in the city in the future,and the traditional energy hardly satisfies the demand,the lack of energy problem will gradually emerge.We therefore must put forward the development of new energy and renewable energy in the countryside.Biogas can be a good choice.Biogas is the clear and renewable energy,which developed in part of countryside and suburban in China,and whose technology is approaching its final stages.The uses of biogas can relieve sharply increasing energy demand; in addition,as the clear and renewable energy it is friendly to environment.To date in China,the number of peasant household biogas investment has reached 40 million and the occupancy has reached 28.4%,and it will reach 70% by 2020,in spite of the high occupancy,there are many problems in the process of use,because of these problems,the biogas can not be used in high efficiencies.



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