
Finding and Exploring Memes in Social Media


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Critical literacy challenges us to question how what we read has been shaped by external context, especially when information comes from less established sources. While crosschecking multiple sources provides a foundation for critical literacy, trying to keep pace the constant deluge of new online information is a daunting proposition, especially for casual readers. To help address this challenge, we propose a new form of technological assistance which automatically discovers and displays underlying memes: ideas embodied by-similar phrases which are found in multiple sources. Once detected, these underlying memes are revealed to users via generated hypertext, allowing memes to be explored in context. Given the massive volume of online information today, we propose a highly-scalable system architecture based on MapReduce, extending work by Kolak and Schilit [11]. To validate our approach, we report on using our system to process and browse a 1.5 TB collection of crawled social media. Our contributions include a novel technological approach to support critical literacy and a highly-scalable system architecture for meme discovery optimized for Hadoop [25]. Our source code and Meme Browser are both available online.
机译:批判性读写能力使我们质疑,我们所阅读的内容是如何受到外部环境影响的,尤其是当信息来自不太成熟的来源时。尽管交叉核对多种资源为批判性扫盲奠定了基础,但要跟上不断涌入的新在线信息的步伐却是艰巨的任务,特别是对于休闲读者而言。为了帮助应对这一挑战,我们提出了一种新的技术援助形式,可以自动发现并显示潜在的模因:由相似的短语体现的思想,这些短语可以在多个来源中找到。一旦检测到这些潜在的模因,就会通过生成的超文本向用户显示这些模因,从而可以在上下文中探索模因。鉴于当今大量的在线信息,我们提出了一种基于MapReduce的高​​度可扩展的系统架构,扩展了Kolak和Schilit [11]的工作。为了验证我们的方法,我们报告了使用我们的系统来处理和浏览1.5 TB爬网社交媒体集合的情况。我们的贡献包括支持关键素养的新颖技术方法以及针对Hadoop优化的模因发现的高度可扩展的系统架构[25]。我们的源代码和Meme浏览器均可在线获得。



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