
Is there a fourth Futamura projection?


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The three classic Futamura projections stand as a cornerstone in the development of partial evaluation. The observation by Futamura [1983], that compiler generators produced by his third projection are self-generating, and the insight by Klimov and Romanenko [1987], that Futamura's abstraction scheme can be continued beyond the three projections, are systematically investigated, and several new applications for compiler generators are proposed. Possible applications include the generation of quasi-online compiler generators and of compiler generators for domain-specific languages, and the bootstrapping of compiler generators from program specializers. From a theoretical viewpoint, there is equality between the class of self-generating compiler generators and the class of compiler generators produced by the third Futamura projection. This exposition may lead to new practical applications of compiler generators, as well as deepen our theoretical understanding of program specialization.
机译:在部分评估的发展中,三个经典的Futamura投影是基石。 Futamura [1983]的观察表明,他的第三个投影产生的编译器生成器是自生成的;而Klimov和Romanenko [1987]的见识是,系统地研究了Futamura的抽象方案可以超越这三个投影,并且对此进行了系统地研究,并且有几个提出了用于编译器生成器的新应用。可能的应用包括:准在线编译器生成器的生成以及针对特定领域语言的编译器生成器的生成,以及从程序专门化器引导编译器生成器的过程。从理论上讲,自生成的编译器生成器的类与第三次Futamura投影生成的编译器生成器的类之间是相等的。该博览会可能会导致编译器生成器的新实际应用,并加深我们对程序专业化的理论理解。



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