首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 10th International conference on wearable micro and nano technologies for personalized health >Ethicted (Evaluation Process Model to Improve Personalised ICT Services for Independent Living and Active Ageing)-Future Scenario

Ethicted (Evaluation Process Model to Improve Personalised ICT Services for Independent Living and Active Ageing)-Future Scenario


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ICT innovations are constantly developed, and there is no lack of elderly customers, as the number of the elderly is dramatically increasing. Elderly are willing to use ICT to increase their own safety and social activity, but they need trust on the reliability, accessibility and other ethical aspects of ICT including the maintenance of privacy and self-determination. Ethical standards for ICT are usually not considered. "Ethicted" characterizes an ICT service or product as ethically evaluated. As a standardized procedure, it will not only increase the acceptability of ICT, but also provide services for ICT developers. In the future scenario, ICT under development should be evaluated by using a process model that is specifically built to find the lacks in ethical aspects. The model would then be tested by end-users, the formal and informal care givers, to receive direct feedback for redeveloping solutions. As final outcomes, there should be standards for ICT in elderly care and a service for ICT developers to utilize the evaluation model. This future scenario work included partners from 6 EU member countries. The combination of academic research and industrial/commercial interest of ICT developers should and can bring new value to assistive ICT for elderly care.
机译:ICT创新不断发展,并且随着老年人数量的急剧增加,老年人的需求也不少。老年人愿意使用ICT来提高自身的安全性和社交活动,但他们需要在ICT的可靠性,可及性和其他道德方面(包括维护隐私和自决)方面获得信任。通常不考虑ICT的道德标准。 “道德”是经过道德评估的ICT服务或产品的特征。作为一种标准化程序,它将不仅提高ICT的接受度,而且还将为ICT开发人员提供服务。在未来的情况下,应通过使用专门建立的过程模型来评估正在开发的ICT,以发现道德方面的不足。然后,该模型将由最终用户,正式和非正式护理提供者进行测试,以接收有关重新开发解决方案的直接反馈。作为最终结果,应该为老年人护理中的ICT提供标准,并为ICT开发人员提供使用评估模型的服务。未来的情景工作包括来自6个欧盟成员国的合作伙伴。 ICT开发人员的学术研究与工业/商业利益相结合,应该并且可以为老年人护理辅助ICT带来新的价值。



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