首页> 外文会议>Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation; 20061101-03; Wuhan(CN) >Construction of Adverb Dictionary that Relates to Speaker Attitudes and Evaluation of Its Effectiveness

Construction of Adverb Dictionary that Relates to Speaker Attitudes and Evaluation of Its Effectiveness


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Adverbs can express a speaker's attitude in a given situation on a specific matter. We constructed an adverb dictionary in which the attitude of the speaker is described. We also looked into whether or not adverbs could effectively be used as basic data to analyze reputations. We conducted three kinds of experiments to verify how effective and precise our dictionary was. First, we calculated the coverage ratio of the dictionary by comparing the ratios of appearances of all adverbs to the ratios of appearances of our dictionary items. Next, we attached a tag to 988 adverbs, and found that the coverage ratio of the tagged adverbs was 97.76% in the open data. Finally, we classified whether sentences were positively or negatively represented using the adverb dictionary and calculated that the accuracy of the classification was 86.5%.



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