首页> 外文会议>Optical Microlithography XIX pt.2 >Pushing the Lithography Limit - Applying Inverse Lithography Technology (ILT) at the 65nm Generation

Pushing the Lithography Limit - Applying Inverse Lithography Technology (ILT) at the 65nm Generation


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This paper presents the results of applying ILT to SMIC's first 65nm tape out. ILT mathematically determines the mask features that produce the desired on-wafer results for best pattern fidelity, largest process window or an desired combination of both. SMIC applied this technology to its first 65nm tape-out to study its performance and benefits for deep sub-wavelength lithography. SMIC selected 3 SRAM designs as the first set of test cases, because SRAM bit-cells contain features which are lithographically challenging. Firstly, three experiments were performed to optimize the illumination and mask design of a pair of layers by optimizing exposure energy, enabling SRAF, and enforcing mask constraints. Secondly, mask manufacturability (including fracturing and writing time) and wafer print performance of ILT was studied. Thirdly, mask patterns generated by both conventional Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and ILT, both using only their optical models, were placed on the mask side-by-side. The results demonstrated that ILT achieved better CD accuracy and produced significantly larger process window than conventional OPC.
机译:本文介绍了将ILT应用于中芯国际首款65nm胶带的结果。 ILT在数学上确定了产生所需晶圆上结果的掩模特征,以获得最佳的图案保真度,最大的工艺窗口或两者的理想组合。中芯国际将这项技术应用到其首个65nm胶带中,以研究其性能和对深亚波长光刻的益处。中芯国际选择了3种SRAM设计作为第一组测试用例,因为SRAM位单元包含的光刻技术具有挑战性。首先,进行了三个实验,以通过优化曝光能量,启用SRAF和强制执行蒙版约束来优化一对图层的照明和蒙版设计。其次,研究了掩模的可制造性(包括压裂和写入时间)和ILT的晶圆印刷性能。第三,将仅使用光学模型通过常规光学邻近校正(OPC)和ILT生成的掩模图案并排放置在掩模上。结果表明,与传统的OPC相比,ILT可获得更好的CD精度,并产生了更大的工艺窗口。



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