首页> 外文会议>Online Information; 20071204-06; London(GB) >Web 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0: preparing for the 2.0 world

Web 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0: preparing for the 2.0 world

机译:Web 2.0,图书馆2.0和图书馆员2.0:为2.0时代做准备

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Recently I was asked if some software applications I was involved in were web 2.0 compliant. This was amusing and distressing on so many levels. It's amusing because what is being called web 2.0 isn't a 'standard' in almost any sense of the word. It's distressing because it shows how quickly a conversation becomes an expectation in today's world. This is a perfect example of the power of the 95 Theses of the Cluetrain Manifesto. For me, the major thesis is number one: 'Markets are conversations.' Anyway, I thought it might be useful to explore the opportunities for libraries to use web 2.0 technologies to generate further success. The global web 2.0 discussion is birthing a number of newborn babies: law 2.0, advertising 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0 among them. And why should you read this piece? You've heard it all before, but in a few years these web 2.0 conversations have the power to drive huge transformations in our media landscape and therefore our life, work and play environments. Sigh. We are entering a period of enormous change - far greater than we've ever experienced in our lives to date. Major forecasters like the Gartner Group and Morgan Stanley have noted that this will be transformational on a very global scale. It'll be exciting too, although those of us who care about communities, research, discovery, invention, learning and information will be tasked with some pretty heavy strategic planning goals. We're going to need to stay alert and nimble.
机译:最近,有人问我参与的某些软件应用程序是否符合Web 2.0。这在许多层面上都令人感到有趣和痛苦。这很有趣,因为所谓的Web 2.0几乎在任何意义上都不是“标准”。之所以令人沮丧,是因为它表明了对话在当今世界变得多么令人期待。这是《线索列车宣言》的95条命题的完美典范。对我而言,主要论点是第一:“市场就是对话”。无论如何,我认为探索图书馆使用Web 2.0技术以获得更大成功的机会可能是有用的。全球Web 2.0讨论正在诞生许多新生婴儿:法律2.0,广告2.0,图书馆2.0和图书管理员2.0。为什么要读这篇文章?您之前已经听说过所有内容,但是在几年内,这些Web 2.0对话可以推动媒体格局以及生活,工作和娱乐环境发生巨大变化。叹。我们正在进入一个巨大的变革时期-远远超过我们迄今为止的生活。 Gartner Group和Morgan Stanley等主要预测机构都指出,这将在全球范围内带来变革。同样令人兴奋的是,尽管我们这些关心社区,研究,发现,发明,学习和信息的人将承担一些非常沉重的战略计划目标。我们将需要保持警惕和敏捷。



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