
The Analysis of Complex Structure for China Education Network


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We collected the data of the documents and their links of China Education and Research Network's which construct the complex directed network China Education Network (CEN) with large amount of documents with their edges (URLs). This paper analyzes some statistical properties,including degree distributions,average path length,clustering coefficient,and the community structure of China Education Network basing on the practical data.By analyzing the practical data,we found that the in-degree and out-degree distribution of the CEN has power-law tail and the network displays both properties of small world and scale free. The CEN has a considerably small average path length and its clustering coefficient is in the mediate. As a large scale complex network,China Education Network clearly present its community structure in which the colleges in a school constitute communities generally with a large modularity.
机译:我们收集了中国教育研究网络的文档数据及其链接,这些文档和链接构成了复杂的定向网络中国教育网络(CEN),其中包含大量带有边缘(URL)的文档。本文根据实际数据分析了学位分布,平均路径长度,聚类系数和中国教育网的社区结构等统计属性。通过对实际数据的分析,发现学位与学位的分布CEN的尾部具有幂律尾部,并且网络显示小世界和无标度的两个属性。 CEN的平均路径长度非常小,其聚类系数处于中等水平。作为一个大型的复杂网络,中国教育网清楚地展示了其社区结构,即学校中的大学通常以较大的模块化构成社区。



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