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Management of Intersubjectivity and Progressivity through Simultaneous Gestural Matching


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By analyzing the storytelling sequence in a communicative retelling task, this article investigates how participants manage two potentially competing orientations (intersubjectivity and progressivity of storytelling) through Simultaneous Gestural Matching (SGM) between the teller and hearer. Participants of talk-in-interaction have their own space to exhibit their understanding of the conversation visually through nonverbal behaviors such as gestures and posture. SGM is the spatiotem-poral coordination of these nonverbal behaviors. Detailed analysis of talk-in-interaction demonstrates that SGM enables participants to show visual, public display of their understanding and thereby contributes to creating intersubjectivity among participants without disrupting the progressivity of storytelling in a manner that is sensitive to the structure of the activity.
机译:通过分析交流重述任务中的叙事顺序,本文研究参与者如何通过出纳员和听众之间的同时手势匹配(SGM)管理两个潜在的竞争方向(叙事的主体间性和进步性)。互动交谈的参与者有自己的空间,可以通过手势和姿势等非言语行为直观地展现出对对话的理解。 SGM是这些非语言行为的时空协调。对互动交谈的详细分析表明,SGM使参与者能够在视觉上公开展示自己的理解,从而有助于在参与者之间建立主体间性,而不会以对活动结构敏感的方式破坏叙事的进行性。



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