首页> 外文会议>National Digital Games Research Conference: Trends, Technologies, and Applications;International Digital Games Research Conference: Trends, Technologies, and Applications >A review study on effective factors of developing the Finnish gaming industry and some suggestions for Iran's game industry

A review study on effective factors of developing the Finnish gaming industry and some suggestions for Iran's game industry




The impact of games on intellectual growth and sometimes the cultural induction of gaming has attracted interests of countries more than ever. investigating in developed countries in the game Markets show the best way to control the side effect of games, is to become active in the gaming industry and to create an opportunity for indigenous gamers to contribute in the progress of the country's economy by presenting their products in the global markets. In this paper, we have tried to investigate the Finnish gaming industry, which is similar to the game industry in Iran because of the young age of this industry in Finland and the platform that they used for developing games, to obtain the development keys and the challenges that the gaming industry has had in this country, as a result, Increasing the number of startups, Training and recruiting talented game developers, Supporting successful national-level video games, developing information and communications technology (ICT), making money through internal payments, provide support in order to maintain a marketplace for a game after success in marketing, Conducting conferences and sponsoring game developers to attract foreign investors, were important factors that can be used for developing this industry in Iran.



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