首页> 外文会议>Micro- and Nanoelectronics 2007 >Research of the disbalance mechanism of dual collector lateral bipolarmagnetotransistor

Research of the disbalance mechanism of dual collector lateral bipolarmagnetotransistor


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The experimental research initial disbalance potential collectors from the scheme of inclusion two-collector lateral bipolar magnetotransistor (BMT) NPN-type, generated in a well is lead. By means of device-technological modelling the mechanism of occurrence initial disbalance is investigated and the way of its reduction initial disbalance is certain at maintenance of preservation of high sensitivity. The choice of the operating mode bipolar magnetotransistor is based on the distributions of the emitter injected electron currents in two symmetrical base electrodes - two contacts to the base-well, in two contacts to a substrate, in two collectors. The mode of magnetotransistor based on the influence of a magnetic field. Reduction of initial disbalance allows to increase relative size of a output valid signal △U= U_(c1)(B) -U_(c2)(B) - U_(c1)(0) + U_(c2)(0).
机译:实验研究是从井中产生的包含两个集电极的横向双极磁晶体管(BMT)NPN型的方案开始的初始失衡电位集电极。通过设备技术建模,研究了发生初始失衡的机理,减少其失衡的方式对维持高灵敏度的保持具有一定的意义。工作模式双极型磁晶体管的选择基于两个对称基极中发射极注入的电子电流的分布-两个基极触点,两个基极触点,两个集电极。磁晶体管的模式基于磁场的影响。初始不平衡的减小允许增加输出有效信号的相对大小△U = U_(c1)(B)-U_(c2)(B)-U_(c1)(0)+ U_(c2)(0)。



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