
Securing FTP with TLS




This document describes a mechanism that can be used by FTP clientsand servers to implement security and authentication using the TLSprotocol defined by [RFC-2246] and the extensions to the FTP protocoldefined by [RFC-2228]. It describes the subset of the extensionsthat are required and the parameters to be used; discusses some ofthe policy issues that clients and servers will need to take;considers some of the implications of those policies and discussessome expected behaviours of implementations to allow interoperation.This document is intended to provide TLS support for FTP in a similarway to that provided for SMTP in [RFC-2487] and HTTP in [RFC-2817].TLS is not the only mechanism for securing file transfer, however itdoes offer some of the following positive attributes:1. Flexible security levels. TLS can support confidentiality,integrity, authentication or some combination of all of these.This allows clients and servers to dynamically, during a session,decide on the level of security required for a particular datatransfer,2. It is possible to use X.509 certificates to authenticate clientusers and not just client hosts.3. Formalised public key management. By use of X.509 publiccertificates during the authentication phase, certificatemanagement can be built into a central function. Whilst this maynot be desirable for all uses of secured file transfer, it offersadvantages in certain structured environments.4.Co-existence and interoperation with authentication mechanismsthat are already in place for the HTTPS protocol. This allows webbrowsers to incorporate secure file transfer using the sameinfrastructure that has been set up to allow secure web browsing.The TLS protocol is a development of the Netscape CommunicationCorporation's SSL protocol and this document can be used to allow theFTP protocol to be used with either SSL or TLS. The actual protocolused will be decided by the negotiation of the protected session bythe TLS/SSL layer. This document will only refer to the TLSprotocol, however, it is understood that the Client and Server MAYactually be using SSL if they are so configured.Note that this specification is in accordance with the FTP RFC[RFC-959] and relies on the TLS protocol [RFC-2246] and the FTPsecurity extensions [RFC-2228].
机译:本文档介绍了一种机制,FTP客户端和服务器可以使用该机制来使用[RFC-2246]定义的TLS协议和[RFC-2228]定义的FTP协议的扩展来实现安全性和身份验证。它描述了所需扩展名的子集和要使用的参数;讨论了客户端和服务器将需要采取的一些策略问题;考虑了这些策略的某些含义,并讨论了实现互操作的实现的某些预期行为。本文档旨在以类似于SMTP的方式为FTP提供TLS支持TLS不是[RFC-2487]中的HTTP和[RFC-2817]中的HTTP。TLS不是保护文件传输的唯一机制,但是它提供了以下一些积极属性:1。灵活的安全级别。 TLS可以支持机密性,完整性,身份验证或所有这些的某种组合。这允许客户端和服务器在会话期间动态地确定特定数据传输所需的安全级别2。可以使用X.509证书来验证客户端用户,而不仅仅是客户端主机。3。正式的公钥管理。通过在身份验证阶段使用X.509公共证书,可以将证书管理内置到中央功能中。尽管这可能并非对安全文件传输的所有使用都是理想的,但它在某些结构化环境中提供了优势。4。与HTTPS协议已经存在的身份验证机制共存和互操作。 TLS协议是Netscape CommunicationCorporation SSL协议的发展,TLS协议是Netscape CommunicationCorporation SSL协议的发展,并且该文档可用于允许FTP协议与任一SSL一起使用。或TLS。实际使用的协议将由TLS / SSL层对受保护会话的协商来决定。本文档仅参考TLS协议,但是,可以理解,如果客户端和服务器配置正确,则它们实际上可能会使用SSL。请注意,此规范符合FTP RFC [RFC-959],并且依赖于TLS协议[RFC-2246]和FTPsecurity扩展[RFC-2228]。



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