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Development and Basis of International Telephone Numbering




This document describes the development and basis of InternationalTelephone Numbering as it has been manifested through theactivities and formal instruments of the InternationalConsultative Committee for Telephony (CCIF) and forums of theInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU). The currentpractices for International Telephony Numbering are currentlycontained in a more general instrument, the International PublicTelecommunication Numbering Plan, ITU-T Recommendation E.164(05/97).The historical record of this activity makes it clear that thebasis for telephone numbering has always been that of autonomoussovereign nations and their international public telephony serviceproviders cooperating among themselves to facilitate the routing ofcalls between their independent national telephony networks. Thishistorical record and basic instruments clearly contradict thenotion of a simple authoritative numbering namespace hierarchygoverned under the ITU and applied to all instantiations oftelephone numbers, such as ENUM-based identifier services in eitherdesignated or competitive DNS zones provided using the RFC2916protocol.
机译:这份文件描述了国际电话号码的发展和基础,这已经通过国际电话咨询委员会(CCIF)的活动和正式文书以及国际电信联盟(ITU)的论坛得到了体现。当前国际电话编号的做法包含在更通用的工具《国际公共电信编号计划》 ITU-T E.164(05/97)建议中。这项活动的历史记录清楚地表明,电话编号的基础一直是自治国家及其国际公共电话服务提供商之间的合作,以促进其独立的国家电话网络之间的呼叫路由。此历史记录和基本工具显然与ITU管理的简单权威编号命名空间层次结构的概念相矛盾,并且适用于电话号码的所有实例化,例如使用RFC2916协议提供的指定或竞争DNS区域中基于ENUM的标识符服务。



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