首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Human-Omputer Interaction;International Conference on Cross-Cultural Design >The Living Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lingnan Tide Embroidery in the Context of New Media

The Living Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lingnan Tide Embroidery in the Context of New Media




In the context of micro-communication, the communication of intangible cultural heritage is faced with the dilemma of lack of cultural characteristics, low utilization of resources, excessive commercialization and so on. At the same time, its "voice" is relatively weak, or "sound" will "sink" in the ocean of information. 5G era is coming, the way of communication based on WeChat, Weibo and other media will also produce subversive changes, intangible cultural heritage needs to seize the opportunity. From the perspective of new media, this paper analyzes the realistic predicament and internal reasons of the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in the new era, and thinks that the communication strategy and development path of non-posthumous culture can be explored by using new media technology based on the thinking of "Internet +" to realize the innovation and demonstration promotion of non-posthumous culture inheritance mode; On the basis of "big data", the author constructs the communication chain of intangible cultural heritage, the mechanism of national folk communication and the diversified communication system. Using new media technology can greatly stimulate the endogenous motive force of the protection of non-heritage cultural tradition, enhance the influence of intangible cultural heritage, effectively promote the development and utilization of non-heritage culture, further expand the survival and cultural space of non-heritage, and enhance the soft power of Chinese culture.
机译:在微通信的背景下,无形文化遗产的沟通面临着缺乏文化特征的困境,资源利用率低,商业过多等。与此同时,它的“声音”相对较弱,或“声音”将在信息之海洋中“沉沦”。 5G时代即将到来,基于微信,微博等媒体的沟通方式也将产生颠覆性的变化,无形的文化遗产需要抓住机会。从新媒体的角度来看,本文分析了新时代的无形文化遗产继承的现实困境和内部原因,并认为使用新媒体技术可以探索非托管文化的通信战略和发展路径基于“互联网+”的思考意识到非遗产遗产模式的创新与示范促进;在“大数据”的基础上,作者构建了无形文化遗产的通信链,国家民间通信机制和多元化的通信系统。使用新的媒体技术可以大大刺激保护非遗产文化传统的内源性动力,提升无形文化遗产的影响,有效促进非遗产文化的发展和利用,进一步扩大了非遗产的生存和文化空间 - 增强中国文化的软弱力量。



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