
Dynamic Public Transit Labeling




We study the journey planning problem in transit networks which, given the timetable of a schedule-based transit system, asks to answer to queries such as, e.g., "seek a journey that arrives at a given destination as early as possible". The state-of-the-art solution to such problem, in terms of query time, is Public Transit Labeling (ptl), proposed in [Delling et al., SEA 2015], that consists of three main ingredients: (i) a graph data structure for storing transit networks; (ii) a compact labeling-based representation of the transitive closure of such graph, computed via a time-consuming preprocessing routine; (iii) an efficient query algorithm exploiting both graph and precomputed data to answer quickly to queries of interest at runtime. The major drawback of ptl is not being practical in dynamic scenarios, when the network's timetable can undergo updates (e.g. delays). In fact, even after a single change, precomputed data become outdated and queries can return incorrect results. Recomputing the labeling-based representation from scratch, after a modification, is not a viable option as it yields unsustainable time overheads. Since transit networks are inherently dynamic, the above represents a major limitation of ptl. In this paper, we overcome such limit by introducing a dynamic algorithm, called D-PTL, able to update the preprocessed data whenever a delay affects the network, without recomputing it from scratch. We demonstrate the effectiveness of D-PTL through a rigorous experimental evaluation showing that its update times are orders of magnitude smaller than the time for recomputing the preprocessed data from scratch.
机译:我们研究过境网络中的旅程规划问题,鉴于基于时间表的过境系统的时间表,要求回答疑问,例如“,”寻求尽早到达给定目的地的旅程“。在查询时间方面,最先进的解决问题是在[Delling等,Sea 2015]中提出的公共交通标签(PTL),其中包括三种主要成分:(i)a图形数据结构存储过境网络; (ii)通过耗时的预处理程序计算的这种图形的基于紧凑的基于标记的表示; (iii)一种有效的查询算法,利用图形和预先计算的数据来快速回答运行时对兴趣查询。当网络的时间表可以接受更新时(例如延迟),PTL的主要缺点在动态方案中不是实际的。实际上,即使在单个变化之后,预先计算的数据也会过时,查询可以返回不正确的结果。在修改后,从头开始重新计算标签的表示不是可行的选择,因为它产生了不可持续的时间开销。由于运输网络本质上是动态的,因此以上代表了PTL的主要限制。在本文中,我们通过引入称为D-PTL的动态算法来克服这些限制,能够在延迟影响网络时更新预处理数据,而不从头开始重新计算它。我们通过严谨的实验评估展示D-PTL的有效性,显示其更新时间是小于从头开始预处理数据的时间的数量级。



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