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Learning Association Between Learning Objectives and Key Concepts to Generate Pedagogically Valuable Questions




It has been shown that answering questions contributes to students learning effectively. However, generating questions is an expensive task and requires a lot of effort. Although there has been research reported on the automation of question generation in the literature of Natural Language Processing, these technologies do not necessarily generate questions that are useful for educational purposes. To fill this gap, we propose QUADL, a method for generating questions that are aligned with a given learning objective. The learning objective reflects the skill or concept that students need to learn. The QUADL method first identifies a key concept, if any, in a given sentence that has a strong connection with the given learning objective. It then converts the given sentence into a question for which the predicted key concept becomes the answer. The results from the survey using Amazon Mechanical Turk suggest that the QUADL method can be a step towards generating questions that effectively contribute to students' learning.
机译:已经表明,回答问题有助于有效地学习。但是,发电问题是一项昂贵的任务,需要很多努力。虽然有关于自然语言处理文献中的问题生成的自动化报告的研究,但这些技术并不一定生成有助于教育目的的问题。为了填补这个差距,我们提出了Quadl,一种用于生成与给定学习目标对齐的问题的方法。学习目标反映了学生需要学习的技能或概念。 Quadl方法首先识别与给定学习目标具有强烈连接的给定句子中的关键概念(如果有的话)。然后它将给定的句子转换为预测关键概念成为答案的问题。使用Amazon Mechanical Turk的调查结果表明,Quadl方法可以是为生成有效促进学生学习的问题的一步。



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