首页> 外文会议>International ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility >It Is Not a Talking Book; It Is More Like Really Reading a Book!

It Is Not a Talking Book; It Is More Like Really Reading a Book!




In this research we designed, developed, and tested a reading system that enables Individuals with Blindness or Severe Visual Impairment (IBSVI) to fuse audio, tactile landmarks, and spatial information in order to read. This system renders electronic text documents on iPad-type devices, and reads aloud each word touched by the user's finger. A tactile overlay on the iPad screen helps IBSVI to navigate a page, furnishing a framework of tactile landmarks to give IBSVI a sense of place on the page. As the user moves her finger along the tangible pattern of the overlay, the text on the iPad screen that is touched is rendered audibly using a text-to-speech synthesizer.
机译:在本研究中,我们设计了,开发和测试了一个阅读系统,使个人能够具有失明或严重的视觉障碍(IBSVI)来熔化音频,触觉地标和空间信息以便阅读。该系统在iPad型设备上呈现电子文本文档,并且大声朗读用户手指触摸的每个单词。 iPad屏幕上的触觉叠加有助于IBSVI导航页面,提供触觉地标框架,以使IBSVI在页面上的位置感。当用户沿着叠加的有形模式移动她的手指时,触摸的iPad屏幕上的文本是用文本到语音合成器听到的。



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