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Analyzing Heart Rate as a Physiological Indicator of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Scoping Literature Review




Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that develops in people who face a shocking event and undergo difficulties recovering from it (Nagpal, Gleichauf, & Ginsberg, 2013). Depression, anxiety, emotional instabilities, suicidal thoughts, and cardiovascular disease are common effects of PTSD. Although over 10% of individuals in the United States have PTSD at any given time, barriers prevent this population from accessing proper care (Moon, Smith, Sasangohar, Benzer, & Kum, 2009; Reisman, 2016). One of the challenges impacting patients is that treatment avenues are mostly limited to therapy sessions and medications. However, PTSD symptoms are more likely to be triggered outside clinical settings (Rodriguez-Paras et al., 2017). Mobile Health (mHealth) apps have shown promise to facilitate the remote and continuous monitoring of PTSD patients in between therapy sessions (Galea et al., 2012; Sadeghi, Khanade, Sasangohar, & Sutherland, 2018). One of the most important features of mHealth apps is their ability to continuously monitor physiological reactions and analyze the relationship between these reactions and individuals' responses to PTSD triggers (Rodriguez-Paras et al., 2017). Deficient models and analyses of physiological reactions may lead to symptoms deterioration and poor health outcomes. In the area of anxiety disorders and specifically PTSD, heart rate measures show the strongest relationships with PTSD states (Buckley, Holohan, Greif, Bedard, & Suvak, 2004). Understanding and modeling PTSD-specific heart rate reactions and patterns can pave the way for non-intrusive monitoring of PTSD symptoms using off-the-shelf wearable devices.
机译:创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是在谁面对一个令人震惊的事件和经历从它(Nagpal,Gleichauf,与金斯伯格,2013)回收困难的人开发了一个精神状态。抑郁,焦虑,情绪不稳定,有自杀念头,而心血管疾病是创伤后应激障碍的共同作用的结果。虽然在美国个人超过10%有创伤后应激障碍,在任何给定的时间,障碍防止这部分人群访问适当的照顾(月亮,史密斯,Sasangohar,本泽,与琴,2009年,赖斯曼,2016)。其中一个影响患者的挑战是处理渠道大多局限于治疗会议和药物。然而,PTSD症状更可能被触发外部临床设置(Rodriguez的-伞兵等人,2017)。移动健康(移动医疗)应用有希望以促进在治疗会话之间PTSD患者的远程和连续监测(加利亚等人,2012; Sadeghi,Khanade,Sasangohar,&萨瑟兰,2018)。之一的移动医疗应用程式的最重要的特征是它们能够连续地监视生理反应和分析这些反应和个体的反应,PTSD触发器(Rodriguez的-伞兵等人,2017)之间的关系的能力。缺乏模型和生理反应的分析可能会导致症状恶化的不良健康后果。在焦虑症和PTSD专门的区域,心脏率的措施显示出与PTSD状态(巴克利,霍洛汉,格雷夫,贝达德,与Suvak,2004)最强的关系。理解和模拟PTSD特有的心脏速率反应和模式可以铺平道路,为使用过的现成的PTSD症状的非侵入式监控可穿戴设备的方式。



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