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Does Using Multiple Computer Monitors Affect Health and Productivity? A Systematic Review




Multiple monitor configurations are used in office settings to promote increased productivity by providing more screen space. Our systematic review compiled literature to determine if office workers who use multiple computer monitor configurations have altered health and performance outcomes compared to the use of a single monitor. A secondary purpose was to compare the studies' monitor configurations to purchasing trends. Finally, we compiled user preference results and methodological information, such as the tasks used and participant placement. Our systematic review was registered on PROSPERO (Gallagher, Cameron, De Carvalho, & Boule, 2018) a-priori and conducted and reported according to the PRISMA statement guidelines (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & Group, 2010). Inclusion criteria were any study that assessed participants over the age of 18 years, looked at office work tasks, and assessed the use of either two or more monitors at a time in comparison to single monitor use. The primary outcomes were changes in health and performance-related variables. Secondary outcomes were user preference, the characteristics of the monitor configurations tested in the study, participant placement with respect to those monitors, and tasks used to assess configuration effectiveness. Two team members (KG & MB) independently screened the titles and abstracts to determine studies that potentially met the inclusion criteria. Justification for inclusion/exclusion was recorded on a standardized form. For all included studies, the independent reviewers separately extracted information and performed a risk of bias assessment. Discrepancies were resolved through discussion and if necessary, consultation with a third reviewer (DC). We included eighteen articles in the systematic review. Four studies were conducted in a field setting using workers' real tasks and fourteen were conducted in a laboratory setting. Performance outcomes generally improved or remained the same with the use of multiple computer monitors versus a single monitor; however, results were shown to be influenced by the task involved. Health-related outcomes were less consistent and have not been investigated enough on multiple monitor configurations and larger displays. Head rotation from neutral is found with multiple monitor use. Muscle activity and discomfort measures need further assessment, especially for larger monitors. Future work should assess health and performance measures together to get a clear picture of the potential benefits and disadvantages of the monitor setup, be cognizant of the tasks and user placements chosen, consider recent purchasing trends when selecting monitors for research studies, and conduct field studies to assess the influence of monitor choice and placement on performance, and health and well-being.
机译:在Office设置中使用多个监视器配置以通过提供更多屏幕空间来促进生产率提高。我们的系统审查编译的文献来确定使用多台计算机监视器配置的Office Worker是否与使用单个监视器相比改变了健康和性能结果。次要目的是将研究的监控配置进行比较,以购买趋势。最后,我们编制了用户偏好结果和方法信息,例如使用的任务和参与者放置。我们的系统评价在Prospero(Gallagher,Cameron,De Carvalho,&Boule,2018)上注册,并根据PRISMA声明指南(Moher,Liberati,Tetzlaff,Altman,&Group,2010)进行并报告。纳入标准是任何评估18岁以上的参与者的研究,查看办公室工作任务,并评估了与单一显示器使用相比一次使用两个或更多显示器的使用。主要结果是健康和与性能相关变量的变化。二次结果是用户偏好,在研究中测试的监视器配置的特征,参与者对那些监视器的参与者展示,以及用于评估配置有效性的任务。两个团队成员(KG&MB)独立地筛选了标题和摘要,以确定可能达到纳入标准的研究。纳入/排除的理由以标准化的形式记录。对于所有包括的研究,独立审阅者分别提取信息并进行了偏见评估的风险。通过讨论和必要时解决差异,与第三审查员(DC)进行磋商。我们在系统审查中包括十八篇文章。在使用工人的真实任务和14项在实验室环境中进行了四项研究。对于使用多台计算机显示器与单个显示器的使用,性能结果通常改善或保持不变;但是,结果显示出受涉及任务的影响。与健康相关的结果不太一致,并且尚未在多个监视器配置和更大的显示器上进行调查。发现中性的头部旋转有多个显示器使用。肌肉活动和不适措施需要进一步评估,特别是对于更大的监视器。未来的工作应共同评估健康和绩效措施,以清楚地了解监视器设置的潜在福利和缺点,认识到所选的任务和用户展示,考虑最近选择监视器进行研究,以及进行现场研究评估监测选择和对性能的影响以及健康和福祉的影响。



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