首页> 外文会议>IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >3D Semantic Trajectory Reconstruction from 3D Pixel Continuum

3D Semantic Trajectory Reconstruction from 3D Pixel Continuum




This paper presents a method to assign a semantic label to a 3D reconstructed trajectory from multiview image streams. The key challenge of the semantic labeling lies in the self-occlusion and photometric inconsistency caused by object and social interactions, resulting in highly fragmented trajectory reconstruction with noisy semantic labels. We address this challenge by introducing a new representation called 3D semantic map-a probability distribution over labels per 3D trajectory constructed by a set of semantic recognition across multiple views. Our conjecture is that among many views, there exist a set of views that are more informative than the others. We build the 3D semantic map based on a likelihood of visibility and 2D recognition confidence and identify the view that best represents the semantics of the trajectory. We use this 3D semantic map and trajectory affinity computed by local rigid transformation to precisely infer labels as a whole. This global inference quantitatively outperforms the baseline approaches in terms of predictive validity, representation robustness, and affinity effectiveness. We demonstrate that our algorithm can robustly compute the semantic labels of a large scale trajectory set (e.g., millions of trajectories) involving real-world human interactions with object, scenes, and people.
机译:本文介绍了将语义标签分配给来自多视图图像流的3D重建轨迹的方法。语义标记的关键挑战在于对象和社交交互引起的自闭塞和光度不一致,导致具有嘈杂的语义标签的高度碎片化的轨迹重建。我们通过引入3D语义地图的新表示来解决这一挑战 - 通过多个视图的一组语义识别构建的每3D轨迹的标签概率分布来解决这一挑战。我们的猜想是,在许多观点中,存在一系列比其他观点更丰富的视图。我们基于可见性和2D识别信心的可能性构建3D语义地图,并确定最能代表轨迹语义的视图。我们使用本地刚性转换计算的此3D语义地图和轨迹亲和力,以精确推断整个标签。这种全局推理在预测有效性,代表性稳健性和亲和力效果方面定量地优于基线方法。我们证明我们的算法可以强大地计算大规模轨迹集的语义标签(例如,数百万轨迹),涉及与对象,场景和人的现实人类互动。



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