
Arc Flash Safety Concerns for Solar Panels

机译:太阳能电池板的ARC Flash安全问题



The proliferation of solar panels used in industrial and commercial building is a reflection of the decreasing cost of the photovoltaic modules and the increasing interest in renewable energy sources. The wide spread use of photovoltaic systems increases the risk of exposure to safety hazards that are inherently associated to nonlinear power sources. It is a well-known fact that the standard protection devices are inefficient in detecting short circuit faults in photovoltaic systems. In addition, it is now recognized that the maximum incident energy deployed by a DC arc flash in a photovoltaic system is higher, and in many instances significantly higher, than those estimated by using the guidelines given by the NFPA 70E and the CSA Z462-12 standards. Use of the existing guidelines can result in personnel being exposed to much higher safety risks than previously thought. These safety hazards are described in this paper.
机译:工业和商业建筑中使用的太阳能电池板的增殖反映了光伏模块的降低以及对可再生能源的兴趣越来越大。光伏系统的广泛散布使用增加了与非线性电源固有的安全危险的风险。众所周知,标准保护装置效率低下检测光伏系统中的短路故障。此外,现在认识到光伏系统中的直流电弧闪光灯部署的最大入射能量越高,并且在许多情况下显着高于通过使用NFPA 70E和CSA Z462-12给出的指南估计的实例标准。使用现有的指导方针可能导致人员暴露于更高的安全风险而不是先前的思考。本文描述了这些安全危害。



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