首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education Science and Economic Development >The enlightenment of exploring the thought of learning from things ('Ge Wu Zhi Zhi') to modern education in China

The enlightenment of exploring the thought of learning from things ('Ge Wu Zhi Zhi') to modern education in China

机译:从事事物学习思想的启示 - 中国现代教育



The thought of learning from things ("Ge Wu Zhi Zhi") is a way for intellectuals to cultivate their body and mind, to realize their life integrity and to harvest their successful life, which has three meanings: to explore the things, to obtain knowledge; to correct knowledge, to obtain conscience; to sense everything and to obtain wisdom. These three meanings just include the three aspects of whole person education: Inquiry education, Conscience education and Sensate education, because the real and complete education not only trains students to acquire various skills and acquire various knowledge, it is also necessary for students to be able to take care of themselves, as well as others and the world, to be able to repair personal links with others, and to have a leisurely and relaxed, clear and tranquil state of mind, in harmony with the world.
机译:从事事物学习的思想(“葛智志”)是知识分子培养身心的一种方式,实现他们的生命诚信,收获他们的成功生活,有三种意义:探索事物,以获得 知识; 纠正知识,获得良心; 感知一切并获得智慧。 这三个含义只包括全人教育的三个方面:探究教育,良心教育和敏感教育,因为真正完整的教育不仅训练学生获得各种技能并获得各种知识,也是学生所必需的 为了照顾自己,以及其他人和世界,能够与他人修复个人联系,并与世界和谐悠闲,轻松,清晰,明宁的心态。



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