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The Relationship Between Human Basic (Human Rights) Obligations and Human Rights




In many discussions of Human Rights, it is rarely related to Human Basic (human rights) obligations. In fact, they complement each other to find justice. In the Greco-Roman era and the Middle Ages, the development of the School of irrational natural law laid the basis for obligations for humans that were rooted in metaphysics and divine values. When individual expressions are blazing, which is a feature of the renaissance, it changes fromobligations to rights. The teachings of Aquinas (1224-1274), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), Magna Charta (1215), Human Rights Petition (1628), British Human Rights Statement (1689), United States Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French revolution (1789) are the pieces of evidence for this shift. The change in the rationale is contradictory, so that between obligations and rights seems to have a conflict. Therefore, it is relevant to raise a question, namely how human rights were born and developed and how the relationship between human rights and human basic (human rights) obligations. The theory in analyzing the problems raised in this study uses the theory of balance and the theory of justice. While the methodology used in this study is the normative method of the law. The results obtained in this study in addition to providing answers to the problems raised also provide future direction, namely what should be done.
机译:在许多人权讨论中,它很少与人类基本(人权)义务有关。事实上,他们互相补充以找到正义。在Greco-罗马时代和中世纪,非理性自然法的发展为植根于形而上学和神圣价值的义务奠定了基础。当个别表达式燃烧时,它是文艺复兴时期的一个特征时,它会改变自从的权限。 Aquinas(1224-1274),Hugo Grotius(1583-1645),Magna Charta(1215),人权请愿(1628年),英国人权声明(1689),美国独立宣言(1776年)和法国人革命(1789)是这种转变的证据。理由的变化是矛盾的,因此在义务和权利之间似乎有冲突。因此,提出问题是相关的,即人权如何出生和发展,以及人权与人权(人权)义务之间的关系。分析本研究提出的问题的理论利用平衡理论和司法理论。虽然本研究中使用的方法是法律的规范方法。在本研究中获得的结果除了为提出的问题提供答案,还提供了未来的方向,即应该做的事情。



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