首页> 外文会议>International Conference of Physical Education >Competency Achievement of Physical Education, Sports and Health Teachers in High Schools of Padang Pariaman

Competency Achievement of Physical Education, Sports and Health Teachers in High Schools of Padang Pariaman

机译:Padang Pariaman高中体育,体育和健康教师的能力成就



The problem in this study is obstacles in carrying out the duties of physical educators, thus affecting their performance in producing competitive students. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance achievements of physical education, sports, and health teachers in state junior high schools in Padang Pariaman Regency. This research is descriptive quantitative research with a survey method, an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis uses descriptive quantitative statistical methods. In this study, physical and sports education teachers as objects, while the subjects were 52 junior high school principals in Padang Pariaman Regency. The results showed that the achievement of the competence of sports and health physical education teachers (PJOK) in SMP Negeri Padang PariamanRegency in the Good category.
机译:这项研究中的问题是履行体育员职责的障碍,从而影响他们在生产竞争学生的表现。 本研究的目的是确定Padang Pariaman Regency国家初中的体育,体育和健康教师的绩效成就。 该研究具有描述性的定量研究,调查方法,一种调查问卷形式的仪器。 数据分析使用描述性定量统计方法。 在这项研究中,物理和体育教育教师作为对象,而受试者是巴东巴东市区的52名初中校长。 结果表明,在良好的类别中实现了SMP Negeri Padang Pariamanregency体育和健康体育教师(PJOK)的能力。



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