
Sort-free Transparent Isosurface Visualization of Tetrahedral Volume Data




In the fields of science, medicine and engineering, there are demands of visualizing varieties of simulation data. Simulation data are often tetrahedral volume data. Therefore, comprehensible visualization of tetrahedral volume data is important. Recently, we proposed the "Particle-Based Surface Rendering (PBSR)". It is a kind of point rendering. We need not sort rendering primitives along the line of sight, so we can visualize large-scale data quickly and sorting error will not happen. Furthermore, it is easy to realize fused visualization. In this paper, first, we apply the PBSR to tetrahedral volume data, which has not been done so far. Next, we propose two kinds of fused visualization for tetrahedral data. In any case, we have not seen any rendering artifact that often appears in the traditional transparent rendering methods. The PBSR for tetrahedral volume data is beneficial to analyze varieties of tetrahedral simulation data in scientific and medical fields.
机译:在科学,医学和工程领域,有需要可视化模拟数据品种。 模拟数据通常是四面体体积数据。 因此,易于对四面体体积数据的可视化是重要的。 最近,我们提出了“基于粒子的表面渲染(PBSR)”。 这是一种点评。 我们不需要沿视线排序渲染原语,因此我们可以快速可视化大规模数据并不会发生排序错误。 此外,很容易实现融合可视化。 在本文中,首先,我们将PBSR应用于四面体体积数据,这是迄今为止未完成的。 接下来,我们提出了两种融合的四面体数据的可融合可视化。 在任何情况下,我们都没有看到任何经常出现在传统透明渲染方法中的渲染工件。 四面体体积数据的PBSR有利于分析科学和医疗领域的四面体模拟数据品种。



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