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Image-Building of Public Library from Readers' Perspective: A Case Study on the Northern Haidian Library

机译:读者视角的公共图书馆的图像建设 - 以海淀图书馆为例



Organization image management is regarded as an effective way for libraries to rebuild their public images through their own endeavors and interactions with the public. However, the previous studies usually explore the issue from the perspective of library staff, yet seldom from the perspective of readers. This article examined reader's needs for library service, and set up a model of readers' hierarchy of needs. We also explored a method to build a positive image for libraries from the perspective of readers' demands, and set up the model of Image-building for public libraries. We hoped to provide a new approach to learn readers' needs for library, as well as a new sight on library image construction.
机译:组织图像管理被视为通过自己的努力和与公众互动重建公众图像的库的有效方法。 然而,以前的研究通常从图书馆人员的角度探讨了这个问题,但读者的角度很少。 本文审查了读者对图书馆服务的需求,并建立了一种读者的需求层次。 我们还探索了一种方法从读者所需的角度来看,为图书馆构建积极形象,并为公共图书馆建立图像建设模型。 我们希望为学习读者对图书馆的需求提供一种新的方法,以及图书馆图像建设的新视线。



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