首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Innovation Design and Digital Technology >Rethinking of Artificial Intelligence Storytelling of Digital Media

Rethinking of Artificial Intelligence Storytelling of Digital Media




In the field of narratology and artificial intelligence (AI), AI Agent intervention has been paid attention to for many years. But typical AI researchers often lack the motivation to study the narrative model of humanities. On this basis, this paper combed basic understanding of studies on the AI intervention of narrative. It attempted to construct Generalized Story World Model from the perspective of media and literature genre and to expand AI Storytelling into the scope of electronic literature, hoping to attract the attention of researchers in related fields such as computer science, communication, art, design and psychology, so as to promote the research field into a stage of large number of trial and error as early as possible. Finally, the possibility of cross- media engineering practice of the Story Generator is predicted and inferred.
机译:在叙事学和人工智能(AI)领域,AI代理干预已经注意到多年来。 但典型的AI研究人员往往缺乏研究人文叙事模式的动机。 在此基础上,本文对叙事的AI干预进行了基础认识。 它试图从媒体和文学类型的角度构建普遍的故事世界模型,并扩大AI讲故事进入电子文学的范围,希望能够吸引计算机科学,通信,艺术,设计和心理等相关领域的研究人员的注意力 ,以便尽早将研究领域推广到大量审判和误差的阶段。 最后,预测和推断出故事发生器交叉媒体工程实践的可能性。



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