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Research on Experiential Design of RV Interior Using HoloLens2




In order to improve the effectiveness of communication between designers and customers in the process of personalized RV (Recreation Vehicle) interior customization and reduce the fuzzification of customers’ requirements, we developed a personalized RV interior customization system based on Microsoft Hololens2 with the advantage of MR (Mixed Reality) technology. This system makes it possible for Customers to select and replace modular holographic objects and materials in the RV interior by natural languages such as gaze, speech recognition and gesture recognition, which is developed by the Unity engine with the support of MRTK (Mixed Reality Toolkit). The test result shows that the system can discover the potential requirements of customers and promote effective communication between designers and customers.
机译:为了提高设计人员和客户之间的沟通的有效性,在个性化的RV(娱乐车辆)内部定制和减少客户要求的模糊化,我们开发了一个基于Microsoft Hololens2的个性化RV内部定制系统,其优势在于MR (混合现实)技术。 该系统使客户可以通过自然语言(如Gaze,语音识别和手势识别)在RV内部中选择和更换模块化全息性对象和材料,这些语言由Unity发动机与MRTK的支持(混合现实工具包)开发 。 测试结果表明,该系统可以发现客户的潜在要求,促进设计师和客户之间的有效沟通。



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