
AutoCADep: An Approach for Automatic Cloud Application Deployment




One of the key aspects related to cloud application deployment is its automatic and flexible management. However, existing solutions are ad-hoc and do not deal with dynamic reconfiguration and scaling as well as is expected. In this work, we propose AutoCADep, an approach to automatically manage the deployment, reconfiguration and elasticity aspects of cloud applications. It provides a higher level of abstraction from modelling to specify the deployment process. Therefore, we use MDA approach, MAPE-K loop and ECA rules in order to automate the deployment process of parametrized component based applications. We introduce an external DSL based on an extended metamodel gathering all relevant deployment concepts and architecture description of applications. Finally, we illustrate the automatic deployment management through a case study.
机译:与云应用程序部署相关的关键方面之一是其自动和灵活的管理。 但是,现有解决方案是ad-hoc,不处理动态重新配置和缩放以及预期的缩放。 在这项工作中,我们提出了AutoCAPEP,一种自动管理云应用程序的部署,重新配置和弹性方面的方法。 它提供了更高级别的抽象,从建模中指定部署过程。 因此,我们使用MDA方法,MAPE-K循环和ECA规则,以自动执行基于参数化组件的应用程序的部署过程。 我们基于扩展元模型引入外部DSL,收集所有相关部署概念和应用程序的架构描述。 最后,我们通过案例研究说明了自动部署管理。


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