首页> 外文会议>International Conference on the Development of Education in Russia and the CIS Member States >Searching for Effective Ways to Implement the Correctional and Pedagogical Process in Pre-School Educational Organizations

Searching for Effective Ways to Implement the Correctional and Pedagogical Process in Pre-School Educational Organizations




The article presents a modern analysis of the state of the correctional and pedagogical process and identifies the problems of teaching and educating preschool children with impaired development, which indicated the need to identify effective ways to implement remedial and pedagogical activities in preschool educational organizations. The indications of the block-modular structuring of the correctional-pedagogical process and the filling of diagnostic, methodological, correctional, and cultural-educational blocks with a specific correctional-oriented content. The necessity of developing a comprehensive pedagogical monitoring program aimed at identifying and solving problems in the implementation of the correctional and pedagogical process in a pre-school educational organization is substantiated. Directions in the variable implementation of the correctional and pedagogical process are indicated under the condition of creating a multidimensional adapted educational space with the connection of organizational and methodological modeling of blocks and their components for correctional and developmental tasks and individual characteristics of preschoolers with impaired development.



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