首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art and Arts Education >The Social Ethics Values in Dancing Motions of Kejei Dance on Rejang Ethnic Marriage Tradition in Curup Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

The Social Ethics Values in Dancing Motions of Kejei Dance on Rejang Ethnic Marriage Tradition in Curup Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

机译:在普通Rejang Lebongu跳舞对凯威舞蹈舞蹈运动的社会伦理价值观



The particular study aimed to interpretasion the social ethics values in dancing motions of Kejei dance. The research type was qualitative research with ethnographic approach. The research was conducted in Curup, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. The informants of the research were Rejang customary authorities, Elders, Dancers, and Education and Culture Board of Rejang Lebong. The material object of this study was the Kejei dance motions; meanwhile the formal object was the social ethics values in Kejei dance. The research instrument was the researcher herself and guided by the observation guidance, interview, and documentation guidance. Data analysis and data filtering were conducted until obtained the adequate data by using Verstehen analysis and interpretation. Then, it continued to data validity through tests of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. The results found out that the social ethics values in Kejei dance were observed in terms of motions; (1) the value of responsibility, (2) the value of courtesy, (3) the value of cooperation, (4) the values of open minded, and (5) the value of peace.
机译:特定研究旨在解释Kejei舞蹈舞蹈运动中的社会伦理价值观。研究类型与民族志法进行了定性研究。该研究是在Bengkulu省的康复,Rejang Lebong Regency进行了调查。该研究的线人是Rejang习惯当局,长老,舞者和Rejang Lebong的教育和文化委员会。本研究的材料对象是柯杰伊舞蹈运动;与此同时,正式的对象是Kejei舞蹈的社会伦理价值观。研究仪器是研究员自己并以观察指导,访谈和文件指导为指导。进行数据分析和数据滤波,直到通过使用Verstehen分析和解释获得了足够的数据。然后,通过可信度,可转换性,可靠性和符合性的测试,继续进行数据有效性。结果发现,在运动方面观察了Kejei舞蹈的社会伦理价值; (1)责任价值,(2)礼貌的价值,(3)合作价值,(4)开放的价值观,(5)和平的价值。



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