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Local Wisdom Values in Kawung Batik and Its Relevance to Moral Education

机译:Kawung Batik的当地智慧价值及其与道德教育的相关性



Kawung Batik has local wisdom values in describing its motives whereas each of them can be found in the "Batik Language". The position of values of local wisdom, roles and functions is elaborated as follows: (1) for the conservation and preservation of natural resources, (2) the development of human resources, (3) the development of culture and science, (4) as a source of advice / belief / literature and taboos, (5) as a means of building communal integration, (6) as ethical and moral grounds, and (7) political functions. The symbol of wisdom, and self-control in the Kawung Batik motif can be implemented in the moral education. Through values of local wisdom of Kawung Batik, it is expected that the objectives of moral education can be obtained, namely educated morals, intelligence, personality and noble character in accordance with ideals and curriculum objectives in Indonesia.
机译:Kawung Batik在描述其动机时具有本地智慧值,而其中每一个可以在“蜡染语言”中找到。本地智慧,角色和职能的价值观的立场如下:(1)为保护和保存自然资源,(2)人力资源的发展,(3)文化和科学的发展,(4)作为咨询/信仰/文学和文学和禁忌的来源,(5)作为建立公社一体化的手段,(6)作为道德和道德理由,以及(7)政治职能。 Kawung Batik Motif的智慧的象征和自我控制可以在道德教育中实施。通过Kawung Batik的当地智慧的价值观,预计可以获得道德教育的目标,包括根据印度尼西亚的理想和课程目标的教育道德,情报,人格和高尚的品格。



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