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A Study on Financial Difficulties and Countermeasures in the Construction of New Urbanization - Taking Yibin City as an Example

机译:新城市化建设的财务困难与对策研究 - 以宜宾城为例



The new urbanization is an inevitable way of modernization, and the main engine to promote the sustainable development of economy. It is necessary to solve the financial difficulties and problems in the construction of new urbanization. Taking Yibin city which is located in the southwest of China as an example, this paper introduces the basic status quo of Yibin city, and then deeply analyses the financial difficulties this city is facing forward in the process of new urbanization, such as the ineffective match between supply and demand of funds, the relatively low rural financial service level, the lack of innovation the current financial models, as well as the poor financial ecological environment. At last, this paper puts forward some suggestions on improving the environment of system, perfecting the financial system, and expanding financial channels.
机译:新的城市化是现代化的必然方式,以及促进经济可持续发展的主要发动机。 有必要解决新城市化建设中的财务困难和问题。 以宜宾市位于中国西南部,介绍了宜宾市的基本现状,然后深入分析了这座城市在新城市化进程中面临的财务困难,如无效匹配 资金供需之间,农村金融服务水平相对较低,缺乏创新目前的金融模式,以及贫困的金融生态环境。 最后,本文提出了一些关于改善系统环境,完善金融体系,扩大金融渠道的建议。



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