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Research on the Computer Network Course under 'Internet+' Environment




In order to adapt to the "internet+" demand, we have optimized the contents about the computer network course. With respect to the teaching aspect, we have adopted hybrid hierarchy model, and constantly followed the advanced technology, to adapt to the constantly emerging and fast development characteristics of new technologies, new concepts and new applications of computer. With respect to the practical teaching aspect, we firstly utilize virtual simulation platform to verify from the practical aspect, and then use equipment to erect physical environment for partial students, conduct configuration and complete the experiment. Through the aforementioned two aspects of work, the contents of computer network course can adapt to the era development requirements, improve the manipulative ability of students, and achieve the course objective.
机译:为了适应“互联网+”需求,我们已经优化了关于计算机网络课程的内容。 关于教学方面,我们采用了混合层次结构模型,不断遵循先进技术,以适应新技术,新概念和计算机新应用的不断的新兴和快速发展特征。 关于实践教学方面,我们首先利用了虚拟仿真平台来从实际方面验证,然后使用设备为部分学生竖立物理环境,进行配置并完成实验。 通过上述工作的两个方面,计算机网络课程的内容可以适应时代的发展要求,提高学生的操纵能力,实现课程目标。



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