首页> 外文会议>International Scientific Conference FarEastCon >Formation of the Innovative Drivers of Regional Economic Development

Formation of the Innovative Drivers of Regional Economic Development




The research focuses on the formation of regional diversified corporate structures with the participation of defense enterprises with high innovative potential. The aim of the research is to increase the innovative activity of the defense complex enterprises as drivers of regional development, based on the optimization of pricing for defense products and the formation of additional revenues to Finance the development and introduction of civilian products production, which ensures the diffusion of innovation. The hypothesis of the research: it is advisable to increase the innovative activity of the regions diversified corporate structures by deepening their clustering and expansion of cooperation with research, development and innovation structures of the Russian defense industry. Methods of expert assessments, pricing methods, integrating methods for assessing competitive advantages are used. The current problems and prospects of Russian defense enterprises are investigated, possibilities of their activation as drivers of regions economic development are revealed. The features of pricing for the products of defense industry enterprises are studied. Method of the prices optimization as the tool for programs of civil appointment production is offered. The results of the assessment of competitive advantages are presented for defense enterprise when implementing the proposed method.



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