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Audiences Meanings on Figure Disabilities in Korean Drama Scarlet Heart




This study aims to find out how the representation of disabled characters in Scarlet Heart and how audiences interpret the character discrimination with disabilities in Scarlet Heart Scarlet Heart Korean Drama 2016 has become the first Korean drama who obtain 11.3 rating. Representations store physical disabilities in Scarlet Heart using the system code and the language of film. This drama emphasizes physical differences figure prince Wang Soo (Lee Joon Gi), a prince who has a disability due to a scar on the face, and he is depicted wearing a mask to cover the wound. The paradigm of this research is critical paradigm that assumes there is always an unfair structure, the media is considered to be a tool that is used by certain people in power to marginalize the other. Other meanings beyond the meaning that has been determined precisely marginalized. By using the analysis of the work of Stuart Hall reception, this study involved five informants from a series of in-depth interviews. Results showed that 80% of informants in a dominant position hegemonic and 20% remaining in the position negotiated. Meanings informant influenced previously owned personal knowledge was then supported by the dominant ideology discriminative meaning against disabled people are represented through the film.
机译:这项研究旨在了解猩红地心中残疾人物的代表性以及观众如何解释与猩红性心脏猩红色心脏戏剧2016年韩国戏剧中的残疾人歧视已经成为获得11.3评级的第一个韩国戏剧。表示使用系统代码和胶片语言在猩红心中存储物理残疾。这部戏剧强调了物理差异,王子王子Soo(Lee Joon Gi),这是由于脸上的疤痕而导致残疾的王子,他被描绘戴着面具覆盖伤口。本研究的范式是关键范例,假设总有一个不公平的结构,媒体被认为是某些人以强大的人使用以使另一个人使用的工具。除了精确边缘化的含义之外的其他含义。通过使用STUART HALL接收的工作分析,这项研究涉及来自一系列深入访谈的五名线人。结果表明,80%的通知者在霸权地位和20%的谈判中留下了20%。含义信息受影响的人受到个人知识,然后受到残疾人的主导意识形态歧视意义的支持。



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