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CSR for Library A Study on CSR of Bank BJB for Building the Gasibu Library in Bandung, West Java




Literacy movement should be supported by availability of qualified and accessible reading materials for people with reading interest. Public library may support literacy movement, so there must be a public library empowerment. Government of West Java Province has built Gasibu public library located near Gasibu sport arena in Bandung as a result of CSR of Bank BJB. Objectives of this research is to find out process and model of CSR of Bank BJB in building Gasibu library. It used qualitative method and in collecting data used interview, FGD, and library research. The result indicates the process of CSR of Bank BJB in building Gasibu Library was began by the governor of West Java Province communicated directly with the Bank BJB to give its CSR for building a public library. Next step the Bank BJB communicated with Dispusipda Jabar as representative of the government for technical aspect. When the library ready to operate, the Bank BJB hand it over to the West Java Government. The model of CSR is a form of partnership. The Bank BJB gave donation for library building construction, buying books, furniture and computers whereas the Government of West Java Province provides land for library site. Now, Dispusipda Jabar responsible for running the Gasibu library. It is recommended the industry give the CSR fund for developing public library to support literacy movement towards lifelong learner society.
机译:应通过为阅读兴趣的人员提供合格和可访问的阅读材料的可用性来支持扫盲运动。公共图书馆可能支持识字运动,因此必须有一个公共图书馆赋权。西爪哇省政府建造了瓦斯武武公共图书馆,位于Bandung的Birung Sport Arena附近的CSR BJB。本研究的目标是在建筑河谷库中找出银行BJB的CSR的过程和模型。它使用定性方法和收集使用的数据采访,FGD和图书馆研究。结果表明银行BJB在建筑河谷图书馆中的CSR过程始于西爪哇省州长与银行BJB一起沟通,为其CSR建立公共图书馆。下一步银行BJB与Dissulipda Jabar沟通为政府的技术方面。当图书馆准备运作时,银行BJB将其交给西爪哇省政府。 CSR的模型是一种伙伴关系的形式。 BJB银行为图书馆建筑施工,购买书籍,家具和电脑提供捐赠,而西爪哇省政府则为图书馆网站提供土地。现在,Disualipda Jabar负责运行Gasibu库。建议该行业为开发公共图书馆提供企业社会责任基金,以支持终身学习者社会的识字运动。



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