首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications >20 Cents worth safeguarding climate change? Stimulating consumer-awareness towards #x2018;No Plastic Bag#x2019; campaign

20 Cents worth safeguarding climate change? Stimulating consumer-awareness towards #x2018;No Plastic Bag#x2019; campaign

机译:值得保障气候变化的20美分? 刺激消费者对&#x2018的意识;没有塑料袋’ 活动



Policy makers face ultimatum over opting comprehensive measures to reduce waste disposal due to the significant rises of climate change globally. Issues pertaining plastic carrier bag usage that cause environmental problem stimulate enormous concern among development countries; only be initiated by the Selangor and Penang state government in January 2010, and had been implemented throughout nationwide one year later. ‘No Plastic Bag’ campaign appears to ignite the effort to minimize the use of plastic carrier bag and simultaneously imposed with a levy per bag on Saturdays. Despite its support by hugely number of retailers with abundance of strategy, the campaign facing difficulties to change consumer attitude where consuming plastic bag is indulgence and paying 20 cents are not being a burden. This paper examines the effectiveness of ‘No Plastic Bag’ campaign in relaying to consumer-awareness, perception and advertising strategy to the precise target audience. To achieve the study's objective, the method employed is quantitative approach with the emphasis on snowball sampling. Hence, 100 respondents gathered from the consumer are well defined as subset of the population, which represent accurate data measurement for the research.
机译:政策制定者面临最终选择的综合措施,以减少由于全球气候变化的显着增加而降低废物处理。有关塑料承运人袋的问题,导致环境问题刺激发展中国家的巨大关注;仅在2010年1月由雪兰莪和槟城州政府发起,并在一年后全国实施。 ‘没有塑料袋’活动似乎点燃了最小化塑料载体袋的使用,并在周六每袋征收时同时强加。尽管有着丰富的零售商,但具有丰富策略的零售商的支持,但难以改变消费者态度的难度,消费塑料袋放纵并支付20美分的负担。本文审查了&#x2018的有效性;没有塑料袋’将消费者意识,感知和广告策略转移到精确的目标受众的运动。为了实现研究的目标,采用的方法是具有强调雪球采样的定量方法。因此,来自消费者收集的100名受访者被定义为人口的子集,这代表了研究的准确数据测量。



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