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Revisited Leonardo Fibonacci law of Golden Mean as surface-centric approach for form sustainable in design




The Golden Proportion is also known as the Golden Mean, Phi, or Divine Proportion, this law was made famous by Leonardo Fibonacci around 1200 A.D. He noticed that there was an absolute ratio that appears often throughout nature, a sort of design that is universally efficient in living things and pleasing to the human eye. The most renowned and influential product designer to work with such grid systems is Dieter Rams. Rams established a philosophy that was applied by Braun products that focused on providing clarity of function by avoiding superfluous. The divine proportion also has been used by companies like Apple to design products by Jonathan Ive, it is said to have been used by Twitter to create their new profile page, and has been used by major companies all over the world to design logos. The aim of this study is to assess whether the surface-centric approach has emotional effect to users and the objectives are to examine the relationship between the surface-centric approach and good design in the relationship between the surface-centric approach and consumer behaviour. This study is important as the framework will contribute to the body of knowledge in design methodology in search for ideas in form giving during designing process. It will also revive the approach of golden section in product design area.
机译:黄金比例也被称为金色的平均值,披着披,或神圣的比例,这项法律是由莱昂纳多斐波纳契而闻名的1200公元,他注意到绝对比例往往始终出现在本质上,这是一种普遍效率的设计在生物和赏心悦目的人眼中。最着名和有影响力的产品设计师与此类网格系统一起使用的是Dieter RAM。 RAMS建立了由Braun产品应用的哲学,这些产品专注于通过避免多余的方式提供功能清晰度。 Apple等公司也使用了Jonathan IVE等产品的公司使用,据说Twitter使用了创建其新的个人资料页面,并已被世界各地的主要公司用于设计徽标。本研究的目的是评估以方面为中心的方法对用户有情感效应,目标是检查地表近的方法与良好设计之间的关系,以方面为中心的方法和消费者行为之间的关系。这项研究很重要,因为该框架将有助于在设计过程中寻找表格思想的设计方法中的知识体系。它还将恢复产品设计区域的金段的方法。



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